Monday, January 13, 2025

Miss Lulu inspired bag

 Note: This pattern is only for the bag

Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

8ply yarn (used Marvel seasons acrylic) in 3 colours, 2mm needles, 4 jumprings, tapestry needle and needle and thread 

k - knit,    p - purl,     sts - stitches,      stst - stocking stitch,  C1 - color 1,    C2 - color 2,    C3 - color 3

Test square: (please knit to make sure the clothes will fit) 
2.5 x 2.5 cm = 
Cast on 8 sts and stst 10 rows
(Really super fast to test. )

For an easier version scroll down

Sides (make 2) 
With C1 cast on 5sts
Row 1: k2, p1, k2
Row 2: p2, k1, p2
Repeat rows 1 & 2 another 7 times
Cast off

With C1 cast on 17sts
Garter st 4 rows
Cast off

Front and back
Cast on 17sts with C2
Stst 2 rows
Row 3: C2 k8, C3 k1, C2 k8
Row 4: C2 p8, C3 p1, C2 p8
Row 5: C2 k7, C3 k3, C2 k7
Row 6: C2 p7, C3 p3, C2 p7
Row 7: C2 k6, C3 k5, C2 k6
Row 8: C2 p6, C3 p5, C2 p6
Row 9: C2 k5, C3 k7, C2 k5
Row 10: C2 p5, C3 p7, C2 p5
Row 11: C2 k4, C3 k9, C2 k4
Row 12: C2 p4, C3 p9, C2 p4
Row 13: C2 k3, C3 k11, C2 k3
Row 14: C2 p3, C3 p11, C2 p3
Row 15: C2 k2, C3 k13, C2 k2
Row 16: C2 p2, C3 p13, C2 p2
Cast off with the different colors. 

Shoulder strap
i-cord of 19 - 20 cm in C1

2x i- cords of 8.5cm in C2

Pieces to attach handles
4x i-cords of 2cm in C1

1. Embroider with C1 details to front and back
2. Darn away any yarns you will not use for seams
3. Fold the attach pieces in half and add a small jumpring to middle, sew to front and back.
4. Sew the handles to the jumprings
5. Sew bottom to back and front bottom edges.
6. Sew the sides to front, bottom and back. 
7. Sew shoulder strap to sides. 
8. I added a bead to thread and hang in on one handle for decoration 

Easier bag 
Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

Knit only the front and back as above.
Sew them together leaving the top open. 
Make the handles and shoulder strap and sew it on.  
Still looks good just fewer details and maybe more kid friendly. 

Copyright ©️ 2025 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered, or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Share only the LINK to friends who wants the pattern. 

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Sweet Honey (for curvy doll)

  Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  Materials: 8ply yarn (used Sean sheep acrylic and Woollen Mills Bendigo 100% wool) and 2mm needles, ...