Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Heart pattern dress



4ply yarn (Patons Big baby) and 2mm needles


2.5 x 2.5 cm square... 10sts and 12 rows of stst


K – knit stst - stocking stitch p – purl rep – repeat k2tog – knit 2 stitches together

Sts – stitches 

Cast on 53 sts

Knit 4 rows garter stitch

Stst 6 rows

Begin pattern:

Row 1: k6, (p1, k9) x3, p1, k6

Row 2: p5, (k3, p7) x3, k3, p5

Row 3: k4, (p5, k5) x3, p5, k4

Row 4: p3, (k7, p3) across

Row 5: k3, (p7, k3) across

Row 6: p3, (k3, p1, k3,p3) across

Row 7: k4, (p1, k3, p1, k5) x3, p1, k3, p1, k4

Row 8: p

Stst 10 rows

Next row: (k1, k2tog) rep until last 2sts, k2 (36sts)

Next row: p

Garter stitch 6 rows

Stst 20 rows

Now divide and knit the top:

Row 1: k7, cast off 3, k8, leave rest on holder

Row 2: k1, k2tog, k5, cast on 8 new sts, k7

Row 3: k22

Row 4: k1, k2tog, k19

Row 5: k21

Row 6: k1, k2tog, k18

Row 7: k20

Cast off

Rejoin yarn to sts left on holder, k8, cast off 3, k7

Row 2: k7, cast on 8 new sts, k5, k2tog, k1

Row 3: k22

Row 4: k19, k2tog, k1

Row 5: k21

Row 6: k18, k2tog, k1

Row 7: k20

Cast off.

Sew back seam and darn away yarns. I embroidered around the hearts. 

Copyright ©️ 2024 – Hanka’s Knitting Crafts- All Rights Reserved 

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted if you give credit to me as the designer. 

Share the LINK to friends who what the pattern. 

Happy Valentines day

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  Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  Materials: 8ply yarn (used Sean sheep acrylic and Woollen Mills Bendigo 100% wool) and 2mm needles, ...