Monday, December 9, 2024

Mini skirt and top for Curvy doll

 Day 4 of 12 days of Christmas for Curvy Dolls 
Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

8ply yarn (used Sean sheep acrylic) and 2mm needles, buttons for decoration and one for back of neck, needle and thread and a tapestry needle for sewing seams

k - knit       p - purl        sts - stitches     stst - stocking stitch       k2tog - (decrease) knit 2 stitches together yo - yarn over       inc - increase by knitting into front and back of the same stitch    p2tog - (decrease) purl 2 sts together 

To fit: 11 inch fashion doll with the curvy body type

Test square: (please knit to make sure the clothes will fit) 
2.5 x 2.5 cm = 
Cast on 8 sts and stst 10 rows
(Really super fast to test. )

I used light blue
Cast on 40sts
Row 1: 1x1 rib
Rows 2 - 24 : stst
Row 25: p7, p2tog, p2, p2tog, p14, p2tog, p2, p2tog, p7
1x1 rib 2 rows
Cast off in rib pattern

Pockets (optional make 2)
Cast on 6sts
Stst 6 rows
Row 7: k2tog, k2, k2tog
Row 8: p2tog x2
Row 9: k2tog
Cast off

Sew pockets to back of skirt. 
I used gold tread to immitate the jean look. Sew details to front. Add a very small button, mine is 3mm big. 
Sew back seam.  (It might be easier to sew details before sewing seam.)

I used verigated yarn
Cast on 30sts
1x1 rib 2 rows
Row 3: rib8, k14, rib8
Row 4: rib8, p14, rib8
Repeat rows 3 and 4 
Row 7: cast off 8sts in rib pattern, k14, rib 8
Row 8: cast off 8sts in rib pattern, p14
Row 9: k2tog, k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 10: p
Repeat rows 9 & 10 another three times (6sts)
Next row: cast on 5sts, k to end
Next row: cast on 5sts, p to end (16sts)
Next row: k13, k2tog, yo, k1 (buttonhole)
Next row: p
Cast off
Sew back seam. Sew button opposite buttonhole..

Christmas isn't a season.
It's a feeling.
- Edna Ferber - 

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered, or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. Share only the LINK to friends who wants the pattern. 


Simone dress

  Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  Materials: 8ply yarn (used Woollen Mills Bendigo 100% wool ) and 2 (needing 3)and 3.25mm needles, an...