Friday, November 1, 2024

Alex's shirt with cable pattern

Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

4ply yarn (used Patons Big Baby) in two colours, 2mm needles, cable needle

See post from 4 January for the general ones. 
C3F – Slip 3 sts onto cable needle and hold in front of work, k3 sts from left needle, k3sts from 
the cable needle.

Cast on 26sts 
Knit 1 row 
Stst 2 rows
Row 3: k12, p2, k6, p2, k4
Row 4: p4, k2, p6, k2, p12
Row 5: k12, p2, C3F, p2, k4
Row 6: p4, k2, p6, k2, p12
Row 7: k12, p2, k6, p2, k4
Row 8: p4, k2, p6, k2, p12
Rep rows 3 – 8 another two times
Next row: (C1 k1, C2 k1) x6, C1 p2, k6, p2, k4
Next row: C1 p4, k2, p6, k2, (C1 p1, C2 p1) rep to end
Next row: (C1 k1, C2 k1) x6, C1 p2, C3F, p2, k4
Next row: C1 p4, k2, p6, k2, (C1 p1, C2 p1) rep to end, cut C2
Rep rows 7 & 8 once more
Rep rows 3 – 8 once
Next row: Cast on 10sts, k22, p2, k6, p2, k4
Next row: Cast on 10sts, k3, p11, k2, p6, k2, p19, k3
Next row: k22, p2, C3F, p2, k14
Next row: k3, p11, k2, p6, k2, p19, k3
Next row: k22, p2, k6, p2, k14
Now start forming the neck: k3, p11, k2, p6, cast off 2, p19, k3
Now only knit on the first set of sts, leaving other set on a holder
Row 1: k19, k2tog, k1
Row 2: k1, p17, k3
Row 3: k18, k2tog, k1
Row 4: k1, p16, k3
Row 5: k17, k2tog, k1
Row 6: k1, p15, k3
Row 7: k16, k2tog, k1
Row 8: k1, p14, k3
Row 9: k
Row 10: k1, p14, k3
Row 11: k
Row 12: k1, p14, k3
Row 13: k
Row 14: Cast on 8sts, k4, p19, k3
Row 15: k
Row 16: k4, p19, k3
Row 17: k
Row 18: k4, p19, k3
Row 19: k
Row 20: k4, p19, k3
Row 21: k
Row 22: k4, p19, k3
Row 23: k
Row 24: k4, p19, k3
Row 25: k
Cut yarn and keep these sts on a holder
Now knit the other side:
Row 1: k1, k2tog, k3, p9, k14
Row 2: k3, p11, k2, p4, k1
Row 3: k1, k2tog, k2, p2, k14
Row 4: k3, p11, k2, p3, k1
Row 5: k1, k2tog, k1, p2, k14
Row 6: k3, p11, k2, p2, k1
Row 7: k1, k2tog, p2, k14
Row 8: k3, p11, k2, p1, k1
Row 9: k2, p2, k14
Row 10: k3, p11, k2, p1, k1
Row 11: k2, p2, k14
Row 12: k3, p11, k2, p1, k1
Row 13: k2, p2, k14
Row 14: k3, p11, k2, p1, k1
Cast on 4sts, k to end (22sts)
Row 16: k3, p19
Row 17: k
Row 18: k3, p19
Row 19: k
Row 20: k3, p19
Row 21: k
Row 22: k3, p19
Row 23: k
Row 24: k3, p19
Row 25: k
Now place the sts on holder to and extra needle
Row 26: k3, p15, place the sts from holder in front and knit 1 st from both needles together x4,
p19, k3 (44sts)
Row 27: k
Row 28: k3, p to last 3sts, k3
Row 29: Cast off 10 sts, k to end
Row 30: Cast off 10 sts, p to end (24sts)
Stst 29 rows
Next row: k
Cast off
Sew side and arm seams. Sew a snap to top back to close

This is how the outfit looks when complete. 

Next week: a shirt with raglan sleeves. 

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. Please share the LINK to friends who wants the pattern. 

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