4ply yarn (used Patons Big Baby) 2mm needles
See post of 4 January 2024
Begin with one leg
Cast on 26 sts
1x1 rib 1 row
Stst 20 rows
Cast of 2sts at beg of next two rows
Cut yarn and keep stst on holder
Knit another leg the same but do not cut yarn
Now knit over both legs (44sts)
Next row: p
Now divide sts to add pockets:
K 10 (first back piece)
Cast on 6 new stst
Starting with a p row, stst 9 rows
Cut yarn and keep these sts on a separate needle
Rejoin yarn to center 24sts
Row 1: k1, k2tog, k18, k2tog, k1
Row 2: k1, p to last st, k1
Row 3: k1, k2tog, k16, k2tog, k1
Row 4: k1, p to last st, k1
Row 5: k1, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k1
Row 6: k1, p to last st, k1
Row 7: k1, k2tog, k12, k2tog, k1
Row 8: k1, p to last st, k1
Row 9: k1, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k1
Row 10: k1, p to last st, k1
Cut yarn and keep sts on a sperate needle
Rejoin yarn to last 10 sts for back and cast on 6 sts
Stst 10 rows
Cut yarn
With RS facing, rejoin yarn to first set of sts, k11, place next 5 sts behind the center piece and
knit tog 1 st from both needles x5, k4 from center, place the sts from the last knitted part
behind the center piece and knit tog 1 st from both needles x5, k11 (36sts)
1x1 rib 2 rows
Next row: Cast off 12sts, p12, Cast off 12sts
Continue on the 12sts only:
Rejoin yarn and knit 1 row
Next row: k2, p8, k2
Next row: k
Rep these two rows another six times
Next row: k2, p8, k2
Knit 6 rows
Now knit the first strap:
K3, leave other sts on holder
Knit 40 rows
Cast off
Rejoin yarn and cast off 6sts, k3
Knit 40 rows
Cast off
Sew crotch. Secure the pockets. Sew back and leg seams. Cross the straps at the back and sew.
Next week: Alex's dungarees
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This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. Please share the LINK to friends who wants the pattern.