Friday, April 26, 2024

Mystery Knit #3


8ply yarn (used Sean Sheep Acrylic) 2mm needles

Test square: 

8sts & 10 tows stst = 2.5 x 2.5cm

Cast on 32sts

Garter st 6 rows

Row 1: (p2, k4) rep to last 2sts, p2

Row 2: (k2, p4) rep to last 2sts, k2

Rep rows 1 & 2 twice more

Row 7: (k3, p2, k1) rep to last 2sts, k2

Row 8: (p3, k2, p1) rep to last 2sts, p2

Rep rows 7 & 8 twice more

Rep these 12 rows another three times

Next row: k6, cast off 3, k14, cast off 3, k6

Next row: k6, cast on 8sts, k14, cast on 8sts, k6 (42sts)

Garter st 4 rows

Cast off

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts - All Rights Reserved 

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. Share only the LINK to friends. 

Share your item in the comments when done. I would love to see yours. 

Sammy's skirt

Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

4ply yarn (used Patons Big Baby) 2mm needles

See post from 4 January 2024

Cast on 34sts
1x1 rib 2 rows
Next row: k8, inc1, k16, inc1, k8 (36sts)
Stst 2 rows
Next row: k
Next row: (k1, yo) rep until last st, k1 (71sts)
Next row: k
Stst 5 rows
Next row: k
Next row: (k2, yo) rep until last 3sts, k3 (105sts)
Next row: k
Stst 5 rows
Next row: k
Next row: (k3, yo, k2tog) rep to end
Next row: k
Stst 5 rows
Next row: k
Next row: k5, yo, k2tog, k4, yo, k2tog, (k3, yo, k2tog) rep to last 2 sts, k2
Next row: k
Stst 3 rows
Garter st 3 rows
Cast off

Sew seam

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. Please share only the LINK to friends. 

Next week the shirt and variations. 

Alex's swim shorts

Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

Materials: 4ply yarn (used Blue Lable Classic) 2mm needles

Abbreviations: see post from 4 January 2024

Begin with one leg
Cast on 24sts
1x1 rib 1 row
Stst 16 rows
Cast off 2sts at beg of next two rows
Cut yarn and knit another leg the same but Do Not Cut Yarn
Knit over both legs (40sts)
Stst 9 rows
Change to another colour and knit 1 row
1x1 rib 4 rows
Cast off in rib

Sew crotch, back and leg seams.
Make an i-cord of 6cm and sew to middle front of shorts. 

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the knitted items. Give credit to me as the designer. Please only share the LINK to friends. 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Mystery Knit #2

8ply yarn (used Sean sheep) 2mm needles

Tension test square:
8sts and 10 rows stst = 2.5 x 2.5cm

Cast on 61sts
Garter st 3 rows
Work now in pattern:
Row 1: p
Row 2: k4, *ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k3* rep *-* across row, end with k1
Row 3: p
Row 4: k5, *yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k5* rep *-*
Row 5: p
Row 6: k4, *ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, k3* rep *-* across row, end with k1
Row 7: p
Row 8: ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, *k3, ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog* rep *-*
Row 9: p
Row 10: k1, *yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k5* rep *-* to last 4 sts, yo, sl2, k1, p2sso, yo, k1
Row 11: p
Row 12: ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog, *k3, ssk, yo, k1, yo, k2tog* rep *-*
Rep rows 1 – 12 another two times
Next row: p
Next row: k2tog x15, k1, k2tog x15 (31sts)
Stst 3 rows
Next row: (k2tog, yo) x15, k1
Stst 5 rows
Next row: k7, cast off 2 sts, k13, cast off 2 sts, k7
Next row: p7, cast on 8, p13, cast on 8, p7
Garter st 6 rows
Cast off

Copyright ©️ 2024 – Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  -  All Rights  Reserved 
This pattern may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. 
Share the LINK only to those who want to knit the pattern. 

Sammy's sun hat

Copyright ©️ Hanka’s Knitting Crafts 

4ply yarn (Patons Big Baby) 2mm needles

Abbreviations: see post from 4 January 2024

Cast on 90sts
Garter st 6 rows
Next row: (k3, k2tog) rep across row (72sts)
Garter st 7 rows
Next row: (k2tog) rep across row (36sts)
Garter st 7 rows
Next row: (k2, k2tog) rep across row (27sts)
Garter st 5 rows
Next row: (k1, k2tog) rep across row (18sts)
Garter st 3 rows
Next row: (k2tog) rep across row (9sts)
Next row: (k2tog) rep across row, end with k1 (5sts)
Thread yarn through rem sts, secure and sew seam

Sammy's dress pattern will be for sale soon in Autumn 2024 no. 1 eBook

Copyright ©️ 2024 - Hanka’s Knitting Crafts  - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer.  Please share the LINK only to friends who wants the pattern. 

Next week - Alex's Swim shorts 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Sammy's swimsuit

Copyright ©️ 2024- Hanka's Knitting Crafts 

Abbreviations: see post of 4 January 2024

Swimsuit (Intermediate level)
Cast on 18sts
1x1 rib 16 rows
Row 17: k1, k2tog, k12, k2tog, k1
Row 18: p
Row 19: k1, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k1
Row 20: p
Row 21: k1, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k1
Row 22: p
Row 23: k1, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k1
Row 24: p
Row 25: k1, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k1
Row 26: p
Row 27: k1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1
Begin with a p row and stst 5 rows
Row 33: inc1, k4, inc1
Row 34: p
Row 35: inc1, k6, inc1
Row 36: p
Row 37: inc1, k8, inc1
Row 38: p
Row 39: inc1, k10, inc1
Row 40: p
Row 41: inc1, k12, inc1
Row 42: p
Row 43: inc1, k14, inc1
Begin with a p row and stst 17 rows
Now devide and knit each side seperately:
Row 1: k2tog, k5, k2tog, keep the other 9sts on a holder
Row 2: p
Row 3: k2tog, k3, k2tog
Row 4: p
Tow 5: k2tog, k1, k2tog
Stst 17 rows
Cast off
Rejoin yarn to other 9sts
Row 1: k2tog, k5, k2tog
Row 2: p
Row 3: k2tog, k3, k2tog
Row 4: p
Row 5: k2tog, k1, k2tog
Stst 15 rows
Row 16: k1, yo, k2tog (button hole)
Row 17: p
Cast off

Sew side seams, sew button on 1st strap. Cross in front. 

Next week: the hat 

Copyright ©️  2024 - Hanka's Knitting Crafts  - All Rights Reserved 
This pattern ( the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced, altered, or republished. You may sell the items knitted. Give credit to me as the designer. You may only share the LINK to others who wants the pattern.