Monday, August 23, 2021

Black and red dress


Black and red dress

By Marianka Bruwer


Materials                                             Abbreviations

4 ply yarn                                             sts - stitches
2mm needles                                        k   - knit
Snap                                                    k2tog - knit two together
                                                            stst - stocking stitch

Start at the bottom part of the dress.
Cast on 30 sts with red.
Knit 4 rows red.
Knit 4 rows black.
Repeat this 8 rows until you have 68 rows in total.
Cast off

With right side facing and stripes vertical, pick up and knit 36 sts.
Note: I picked the sts up at the edge with the loops from colour change.
Purl 1 row.
Next row: Rib 8, knit to last 8sts, rib 8
Next row: Rib 8, purl to last 8sts, rib 8
Repeat these 2 rows another 4 times. (10 rows in total)
Cast off 4sts at the beginning of the next 2 rows.
Next row: Decrease 1 stitch at each end.
Next row: purl
Repeat these 2 rows 4 times. (18 sts)

* Next row: k2tog, k5, k2tog, turn
Next row: Purl
Next row: k2tog, k3, k2tog
Next row: purl
Next row: k2tog, k1, k2tog
Stst 15 rows.
Cast off*

Rejoin yarn to other side and knit from * to *.

Sew the back seam. 
Sew a snap to the traps.

Copyright © 2021 - Hanka's Knitting Crafts - All Rights Reserved
This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied, shared, reproduced or republished. You may sell the items knitted if you give credit for me as the designer. 



 Welcome to my new blog. All about my crafts and knitting patterns. Please be patient as I am a mother of two children which I also homeschool. Time is not always on my side but I will try to post as frequently as possible. 

I am from South Africa and you can visit my Facebook page where I have a lot of my finished work shared. Some of my own patterns but also some from other sites. 

I love knitting it is so relaxing and so many people ask for my patterns and that is why I decided to post most of them to the blog. I want to make some available on pdf for you to purchase. It will help me to grow and bring out more patterns.

Have a great week! See you soon...